Wednesday, May 27, 2009

They Change So Fast!

Here's little Noah at 5 weeks. He is doing something new everyday. He is staying more alert during the day and has starting giving us a couple of smiles!! He grunts ALL the time. It's hilarious! Ashton is loving being a big sister and has started to hold him some since he is getting bigger. We are enjoying this time. I hope everyone is doing well and is enjoying the beginning of summer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Miss Addison

Just a quick post of Miss Addison. She was 6 weeks old in these images. Isn't it crazy how fast little ones change?!? Love you, Miss Addison!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Our Son...Noah

Here he is!!!! Our new blessing and joy...Noah Shane. He arrived on April 19 at 2:02 am. He weighed 7 pounds 1 ounce. He ended up arriving a week before my scheduled C-Section and almost two weeks before my actual due date. When it was all said and done, God was definitely watching over us. We had a great team of physicians and nurses taking care of us at the hospital.
Ashton is loving being a big sister. She loves to kiss and hold him. It is a joy to watch them together. It is surreal to finally have him here! I will definitely post more images as he grows. He has already changed since these images. He was six days old in these. I hope everyone is doing great. Take care and God bless!